About the exhibit
Founder's Gallery
The Founder’s Gallery celebrates the generosity of the Herron family and other major donors to the collections. It features some of the finest examples of material culture available for public study. Next to the Founder’s Gallery is the J. Marshall and Sally Gettys Family Gallery. This new, intimate exhibit space honors the work of the late J. Marshall Gettys, and the continuing generosity of his wife Sally Gettys, their extended family, and friends.

Lidded Double-Wall Trunk, ca. 1970, by Eva Wolf. (Cherokee [North Carolina], 1922 to 2004). Gift of Sara Gettys and Heather DeMunn, In Memory of J. Marshall Gettys.
Twilight Song, ca. 1990 by Allan Houser. (Chiricahua Apache, 1914 – 1994). Gift of John and Dr. Meryl Lavine.

Tlingit Crest Hat, 2002 by Preston Singletary. (Tlingit, b. 1963). Museum Purchase.
Tripod Effigy Jar, ca. 1250 – 1500. Greater Nicoya (Costa Rica/ Nicaragua). Gift of Quintus H. and Mary H. Herron.

Portrait Head Bottle, 100 BC – AD 700. Moche (Peru). Gift of Quintus H. and Mary H. Herron.
Brush Holder, early 19th century. China. Gift of Nathaniel and Lana Grey.

Animal Effigy, ca. 1850. Djenné (Mali). Gift of Ben Pickard.