Dino Camp: The Return of Acro (Session 2)


Dino Camp (ages 4 to 8) is back! Please note, in order to meet demand, there will be two Dino Camps this year. This is the July 15 to July 17, 9 am to noon session. A second Dino Camp will be held from July 8 to July 10. Click here to register for the July 8 to July 10 camp.

This year’s Dino Camp will focus on the Oklahoma State Dinosaur, Acrocanthosaurus. What was Acro? When did she live? What did she do? Where did she live? Find out at Dino Camp 2019! Please note, additional paperwork is required for this event. The required forms are available online or in the Museum Store. Email pr@motrr.org for more information.

Registration is also available over the phone (580) 286 – 3616 or in the Museum Store.

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